vry-fokken-ou [AFR]

free-fucking-guy [ENG]

Humans search for freedom in two different arenas. The personal arena of thoughts and beliefs and the societal arena of action and reaction. Spirituality and politics.

This website is dedicated to that search. And the recognition that personal responsibility is a prerequisite. Because without personal responsibility we live via proxy. Via facade. Via an idea of ourselves fabricated for reasons we don’t understand.

I first started searching in the ocean. I was raised by the ocean. From as far back as I can remember, that’s where I was. Mostly on my own. Searching then. And searching still.

I co-founded Unravel Surf Travel, The Surfer Kids NPO and Bitcoin Ekasi, and I cannot say it was premeditated. But today I realize that these projects are in pursuit of freedom.

Appearances can however be deceiving as we seek to understand the world without understanding ourselves. It’s not out there. Instead, it’s a janitorial mind job.

Life will unravel itself. That’s what it does. And while I’d been holding on without knowing what I was holding onto, the world around me never made much sense. Not for as long as I was compelled by the world around me.

Traveling. University. More travelling. Marriage. Business. Work. Children. Parenthood. And the slowly accelerating spiral of addiction. The search has taken many turns. And there’s likely more to come.

But ultimately I’m always brought back to the corridors of my own mind. Where more than one voice tells different stories. Until I quiet the voices. Then I find peace within myself. And that’s freedom.