To Unify or Divide..?

At some point in life every human will ask themselves: “Do my actions, motivated by my beliefs, unite people or divide them?” And it is an important question. Not necessarily for the sake of others, but first and foremost for ourselves. It is a universal occurrence and a powerful one too because it points toward […]


Looking at the world around us, it’s clear that something isn’t quite right. Corruption at the highest levels. Wars. Famine. Pollution. Poverty. Environmental destruction. The annihilation of complete species. Perhaps even our own demise looms on the horizon… Sometimes it’s overwhelming. To the point where I want to shout: “What can I do!? I’m just […]

Learning to Make Choices

I read an interesting article here about abortion being practically illegal in Ireland, as it still is in many other places around the world. And where it isn’t officially illegal it’s a social taboo. Like being gay. Abortion is one of those highly emotional topics, which whips people into such a fervor that they start […]

The future belongs to Learners

What is now, has not always been so. Time brings change. Change is inevitable. And perhaps at no other time in the history (or pre-history) of mankind has the process of change been as pronounced as it is now. That process is accelerating. It’s not slowing down. Our parents were born into a world where […]

Welcome to The Apocalypse!

A religious’ approach to life is absolutely necessary for dealing with a world that is beautiful, but also filled with much pain. If I did not have a religious approach to doing good, whenever and wherever I can, the world’s pain would often overpower me. There’s nothing wrong with religion, or with being religious. It […]